Monday, April 2, 2012

Day One: Let's start at the beginning

So in my last post I was pretty whiny..and self, ME and some more me.
The first point that is made in the book is simple to read but hard to understand: It's not about me (i know, right??)

I was created for His purpose by His purpose (and no I am not that special, so where you!) that in all of this confusion it is not for me to decide what it means to be great but rather except and grow into what God has had planned for me. In order to grow into this I must remind myself, without making it too much about myself, that is it about living for God, His purpose and that alone.

My first prayer is to thank God for my life, my creation and my salvation. To ask for wisdom, not to know it all but to listen to the hints, to follow His lead and then to understand my purpose.

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